Team cosplay is FUN!
At the beginning of the year, I had a thought. What would Lady Deadpool look like if she was in the Old West? Not like the present Lady Deadpool that get transported back in time, but if Wanda Wilson really did exists then. Obviously, it wasn’t be this.
And so, the cosplay idea for the Wild West Wanda Wilson was born.
Originally, I was going to debut Wanda at 2013 Comikaze since I had so much fun as Hulk Bunny last year. But then WonderCon announced that they were returning to Anaheim. Since I didn’t cosplay there last year, I wasn’t going to miss a chance this time around.
When I shared that idea with my friends Christine and Annette, they all wanted in on the action! Then Brandon decided to join in too. Christine also invited her boyfriend and her friends Michelle and Tony to join our team as well.
Behold. The Old West/Steampunk Marvel Avengers. (Minus Annette as Storm. She joined us later on.)
Michelle: Countess Antonia Stark. Brandon: Wade Wilson aka Deadpool. Christine: Lady Deathstrike (although at some point we just started calling her the Oriental Harlot because people couldn’t quite guess who she was!). Chris: a totally bad ass Wolverine. And yours truly as Wanda Wilson.
I tried to get pictures with as many Deadpools as I could. Not entirely intentional, I skipped into the arms of the famous Merc with the Moves of Deadpool VS YouTube channel.
I might not have made it into The Nerd Machine Slave Leia PSA, but I get my own section here at 2:04!
Between Brandon happily snapping away with his new camera Nikon D32000, and Michelle’s professional photographer’s eyes, we have wealth of photos from our adventures. And we even found a few others, like that awesome group shot up there, from other folks who stopped us for photos too!
Can hardly wait for Comikaze! My cosplay won’t be quite as epic, but it’ll be fun. 🙂
Here’s our Flickr album: