It’s October!

Two things I love most about October: Halloween and beer. So far it hasn’t been a cold “fall”.  Heck, it was like 78 when I got to work at 7:30 a.m. this morning!  I think I will survive in my Princess Leia gitup after all.  Then again, I still have the Jedi cloak from last year to keep me warm and still in theme. October is building up to be a busy one already.  The Bus Party tomorrow is cancelled in lieu of the debate, so that free up a bit of time.  Hopefully my newsletter will go to print...
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Put out the flames

Support Banned Book Week, y’all!  About time we stop those crazy nutcases from burning them books! According to the ALA, here are the “10 Most Challenged Books of 2007” with the reasons why they were challenged. 1) “And Tango Makes Three,” by Justin Richardson/Peter Parnell Reasons: Anti-Ethnic, Sexism, Homosexuality, Anti-Family, Religious Viewpoint, Unsuited to Age Group 2) The Chocolate War,” by Robert Cormier Reasons: Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Violence 3) “Olive’s Ocean,” by Kevin Henkes Reasons: Sexually Explicit and Offensive Language 4) “The Golden Compass,” by Philip Pullman Reasons:  Religious Viewpoint 5) “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” by Mark Twain...
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Phototastic Friday: What to come

My most impulsive purchase of the year and my first ever full-made costume purchase finally arrived. Also, probably the most unique wedding present ever bought. I bought the costume set for my friend.  The groom is a Star Wars fan and the bride is a quite a knock-out.  Somehow, they never thought of dressing her in this.  And I thought of it for them. A geeky good friend I am! While at it, I bought me one.  Just in case somebody would invite us to a Halloween party this year, I would have something sexy to wear for a change. ...
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Fun day

Going to bed when I’m supremely tired has been working three nights so far.  It works better on the weekend, I’m sure.  Man, trying to get up to wash the Korean BBQ smoke out of my hair this morning was tough. It’s starting to cool at night in California a little bit. Cool when I left the house and when I got home.  It makes it really hard to get out of bed in the morning. When I got work, I gave my dad a call.  Of course, I caught him watching his nightly news and he filled me in...
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Calling all zombies

With less than one hour notice, I rushed off this afternoon to join a few people in practicing the Thriller dance on the beach at Dockweiler State Park. Yes, you heard me.  Thriller. On the beach. I am joining the Los Angeles group in Thrill the World 2008 where folks gather in full make up and costume to dance to Michael Jackson’s Thriller at the exact same time all over the world. For LA it’s Saturday October 25 at 11 a.m. I saw the video last year and have always wanted to do it.  Finally here’s my chance!The LA group...
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Life as we know it

Coworkers congregated in my cubicle over some chocolate covered almonds. “Have you seen Oakley’s article in the Daily Breeze?” Coworker #1 referred to my 15 seconds of fame. “No,” Coworker #2. CW#1 continued to tell CW#2 about Temple of Fresh & Easy blog. CW#2 snorted.  “Who has time for that kind of thing?” And of course, CW#2 ranted on about how he doesn’t have time to do the Facebook or “such nonsense” because of his busy social schedule, implying along the way that folks who do those things don’t really have a life. That did it. Seriously, I am getting...
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