Sleepless nights

We’re once again on death watch as Brandon’s grandfather who has Alzheimer is hospitalized.  We don’t really know how many hours, days, weeks he has because, apparently, the doctor has been giving different information to different family members. With Grandpa’s death watch, we didn’t get to be with Justin and Olaina on his graduation this morning.  Nor will we be at Brandon’s niece high school graduation on Thursday. Brandon is going to be out to Pennsylvania tomorrow to be with his mom and grandmother.  If the funeral happens then, it happens then.  If it doesn’t, at least he was there...
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Wine me a river

0507082055.jpg Originally uploaded by Oakmonster(TM). I took a wine appreciation class at the Wine Country in Signal Hill last night. I was going to drive myself there but Brandon insisted that he drop me off and pick me up after. And I was glad he did! 16 different wine to taste in the lesson, kids. And I actually held my own quite well for 15 of them. It ended with a port. Delicious, lovely ruby port. Nectar of the gods. That was tipped me over. Just what I needed got get over hump day. 🙂...
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What the Cat drags in

Athena has stirred up a lot of emotions for a lot of folks. The neighbor downstairs apparently gathered a petition to send to the landlady to get Athena back after hearing that she was released to CSULB campus. She said she has almost 80 people on the petition. (But, shouldn’t the petition came from the people who actually live in the complex?) Another lady who spotted Athena’s listing on Craiglist warned me about a local guy who’d go around “adopting” cats to torture them. Then she continued to help Athena find a home. If I can go get Athena from...
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On love, in sadness

I LOVE Ren Faire. Much fun and debauchery on Saturday. I mean, how can you not have debauchery when Greg M. is involved! We drank even before we left the house…you know where this is going, right? I’ll put up the SLIDE show here later, but in the meantime, check out my Ren Faire flickr set. I had 2.5 cups of mead. Would’ve been three but I didn’t drink the last one fast enough before we had to exit the Faire. Everyone else in our group other than Brandon surely had a LOT more than me. Oh and we went...
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Lost. Love.

I KNEW it was too good to be true when Athena started to hang out with us, when she comes running to me when she hears the jangles of the keys, when she sits purring on our floor begging us to rub her belly and every elsewhere on her fluffy black coat with a twinge of orange tabby pattern. I don’t think it wouldn’t have been a big deal if the manager lady found Athena napping on the wicker chair, but the food and water bowls set the woman off. According to the girls, the lady lost her shit and...
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The Cat Whisperer

I witnessed a first up close and personal cat fight this afternoon, right in front of our door. A REAL cat fight. Not the human kind. It was Athena v.s. “Muffins” the Other Stray/Outdoor cat. (The girls downstairs called it a him and named him that.) I picked Athena up from downstairs instead of having her trail me when I came home. She didn’t protest any and made herself at home the moment she came through the door. She was eating in our doorway as usual, but then I spotted Muffins outside the door. Athena looked up from her bowl...
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