No kidding

I’m probably going to hell for pointing this out. In the ABC report about a woman with a malfunctioned implanted defibrillator that almost killed her. On Dec. 17, 2007, [Bridget] Robb’s implanted defibrillator malfunctioned, shocking her heart a total of 31 times in the span of a few minutes… Medtronics, the company that makes the device used by Robb, told ABC News they sent certified letters to all the patients and their doctors. But Robb said she did not know her defibrillator had been recalled until she arrived at the hospital’s emergency room. “I had no idea,” Robb said, “I...
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Just do it

Art should happen everywhere. I couldn’t agree more. [Ari] Kletzky’s aim is as multilayered and unconventional as the city it embroiders, drawing attention to islands of every shape, size and intention. “The signs are a way to start a conversation and an education,” says Kletzky, whose project is still in the exploratory stages. “They are a gesture. An appetizer that inspires an appetite. I’m looking to generate discussion to explore use of public space by turning islands into a work of art.” – LA Times...
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May Day Ponderance

Bits and snippets vverheard on the streets of Downtown Los Angeles, where the immigration march tomorrow is going to vastly affect everyone’s commute home. A: Why do they have to pick the rush hour to have an assembly? This is so inconvenient. B: Um, isn’t that the point of a protest? A: Yes. But what about MY rights to go home on time? MY rights to not be stuck in traffic? MY rights not to have to take the day off so I don’t get stuck in all of this mess? You know how we can disperse the crowd really...
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