Can you blame me?

…for still glowing with massive pride after Saturday’s whooping of Cal, our shot at the Rose Bowl and even, dare we say, at National Championship game?? Fog clears, revealing a grown-up USC – Los Angeles Times “I don’t know how I held on to it, seriously, because once I caught it, I blacked out,” said Dwayne Jarrett. Oh, and held on to it, you did, Jarrett! An inconsistent quarterback threw a fourth-down touchdown pass to a wide-open receiver who was his third option. “I was just like, ‘Oh gosh, just don’t throw it over his head,’ ” said John David...
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2 words for you

Rose. Bowl. YEAH! A Trojan girl couldn’t have had a better 30th birthday present! YEAH! By the way, last night was massively fun. Will blog about that after I run a few victory laps around the apartment. YEAHHH!!!!...
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I’m overwhelmed with happiness! Thank you everyone who has come by to wish me (and Snoopy) a happy birthday. Your thoughtfulness definitely brings joy to my day and definitely will brighten the year! (And by the way, bad me for not doing this earlier. Please also say happy birthday to my twin sister from another life and another time, Bua!) My big day started last night, early morning Thai time, when I called my dad. I didn’t say anything about my birthday, just waiting to see if dad would bring it up. Nothing came up. So… Me: Dad. Are you...
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Happy Birthday, Snoopy!

firstdaywithsnoopy Originally uploaded by theoakmonster. Snoopy was born…into my life…on my 5th birthday. He was among the 3 presents I remembered. The other were a cotton girl doll in a velvet dress and came in a cradle from one of the aunties, and the Princess Diana wedding dress my mom had it made for me. It was love at first sight for me and Snoop. A love that withstood many years of coming and going toys. He was eventually shelfed and forgotten among my huge collection of stuffed toys. But when I was around 14, after watching “Race for your...
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Out of the Blue

It’s only fitting that on the eve of my 30th birthday I would post something random. Something I wrote on the bus on July 5: LA Sky is blue Oddly enough Wide open from the 110 To the Ocean I’m trapped In a box on four wheels Running the same route Day in and Day out Emergency exit is Shut tight Barred by red handles Music in my ears Shakespeare in my backpack Notebook in my lap Searching for something To fill My soul To dull the pain in My heart I want to Hide Run away Cry into my...
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You’ve GOT to be kidding

The Answer: “[His] interview, titled “If I Did It, Here’s How It Happened,” will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29, according to [Fox’s] Web site. If your question is, “Who is O.J. Simpson?”, you would be correct. Un. Fucking. Believable! Also in the unbelievable note… This humble blog has been visited a lot recently by folks looking to solve the mystery of Anonymous Donor of Jim Sterkel Court at USC Galen Center. Not quite as interesting as and yet a lot less frightening than the fact that “burping fetish” remains the top search phrase that leads people to the OakMonster’s...
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