Sore throat go away

come again, well, perhaps after New Year’s day? Yep. The sore throat-fever combo is back. So I’ve been resting all day, didn’t eat much of anything but tylenol, scrambled eggs, and a big pot of hot water + honey + lemon (thanks be to the Demi-Boss for her bountiful lemon tree). Hopefully this is not going to turn into strep… Just want to drop a line to say that I had a great time Friday night at the joint b-day party for me and Shane. Well, it was really Shane’s party and a few of my friends and I happened...
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Harry Potter RULES

Saw HP at a private screening last night. It KICKS major ass. Yes, the effects are really really good. The chemistry between the kids are as fun as always. This one doesn’t putt around, showing off the school or lingering over small details to please fans. It went straight to the meat of the story. As a fan, I love that. Also, if you’re a fan of Dobbie and that whole S.P.E.W. thing from the book, you’ll be disappointed as there’s not a peep about that here. For the rest of us, THANK GOD! Ralph Finnes is superb at Voldemort....
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Grateful for the Love

Never felt so loved on my birthday like I did this year. 🙂 Thank you all who remembered! And all my out-of-state friends who called, bless your hearts! And my Northwest Corner (of the office) Kittens, you guys ROCK. You know, I didn’t need dinner tonight after all you’ve fed me at lunch! Of course, my poor hubby who stayed home with a boo boo in his belly, managed to have enough energy to help me do dishes, carry up grocery, and drive me out to float our kratongs. I wish you can have more pep in your step for...
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Days gone by

Well, I’m nearing my usual goal of getting all Christmas shopping and gift picking done by the end of November. Technically, we’ve shopped for this year in Thailand last year for most people. (Demi-Boss, if you’re reading, that’s MY time/money saving tip!) And I’ve decided this year that I will bake. Or make homemade mixed nuts. Bought this big ol’ pack of plain white Chinese take-out cartons from Smarts & Final for $7 that I can pack my baked goodies in for people for every occasion. Now I just have to decide on the menu… Oh crap! I still have...
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