I was just going to check email and crawled into bed as I haven’t slept very well for the past few nights.
But first, I have to share with you the good news.
Thank you for your email commending an Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) coach operator. We at OCTA are proud of our staff and their commitment to provide quality customer service.
The operator will be acknowledged for providing excellent service and professionalism.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We at OCTA look forward to continuing to serve you.
My letter actually is getting Gunny the recognition he deserves! I meant to tell you guys about the update a while ago. Gunny thanked me for the letter. Apparently they showed it to him and pretty much the whole shenanigan about the flag complaint did get tossed out. It made up for the past few days of the ordeal he said.
Semper Fi, Gunny. You deserve it!
And finally, So You Think You Can Dance.
I actually popped into the LA Times SYTYCD live chat today. (Shh. Don’t tell my boss.) I didn’t plan on it but it popped up as I was reading the recap of last night’s episode, so I had to chime in. Boy, do we have a LOT to chat about next week!
Did we just fucking lose WILL?
Have to admit, I’m pretty sure Twitch has a bigger fan base. Folks with past formal dance experience see the beauty and discipline in Will’s line and the joy in his dance. But classically trained dancer can only get you so far in a competition based on popular votes. Will is just not on the plate for most of America, I guess.
Must also say that I’m somewhat not surprised that the entire state of Hawaii were calling in to save Mark last night. Ah. Island love.
Comfort did go home as predicted, however.
Okay. I’m done. Beddy bye for me. Big day tomorrow.