Hey ya. I’m here.
Sorry for the MIA. You know, with jet lag and all, I’ve been going to bed at 8 p.m. all week and been playing catch up with work as well.
We landed Monday night after quite a long journey. The 7 hours spent putzing around Taipei airport during a layover could’ve sucked less if we would’ve found the Transit Hotel earlier. Instead of napping on the benches in a quiet terminal, we could’ve been snuggled up in a comfy bed. Oh well. Next time, we know.
Wednesday, I was at my board of investors’ holiday shindig and damn near crashed my car a few times driving home jet lag…at 7 p.m. no less. Obviously, Nhien let me go home early on Thursday.
Friday was the staff party which I threw. We had a blast at East Third Steakhouse. Thankfully, my jet lag was much better and driving home around 6:30 wasn’t as much of an issue.
Back to normal this week for all of us. Except for the new bus for my commute. More comfortable seats, but less of them. My first day back on the bus put me in the back of the bus. Not a good spot for a motion sensitive girl, but what can I do? I forced myself into a nap and I did fine. I’ll have to move the front once we get off the freeway though. I got a little dizzy during the last 10 minutes through town.
Brandon also returned to a change. Orange County’s budget crisis may affect him. At least we are quite sure he is keeping his job though.
There are moments when I wish my vacation never ends.
That is also a problem of being home more than one week at a time. I started to get comfortable with the old life of having a maid and being my family that I considered moving back. But there will be some other little things that will wake me right out of that dream like the constant chatter about getting to that 98 lbs. “ideal weight” or the fact that everybody knows everybody. It’s like you can never be somewhere and do something without the words getting around. Especially for the crazy ass like me, that’s going to be a problem. LOL.
So, I’m back in the self service, self made life with the freedom to be whoever I want and do whatever I want.
A fair price in my book.
Glad you see you are back safe and sound.
I totally agree with being in Thailand tend to spoil you in certain way.. Cheap food available 24/7, not having to lift finger to do my own laundry, clean my house, cook my food is definitely very tempting to make me want to pack up and leave as well. But like you said, it’s a fair price to pay for living in this great country.