The Hobbit Diet: Journey’s End - The Hobbit Diet

And it was done. YAY! The FIRST of my 2014 goals off the list. Let me conclude this journey properly in the same style of the series with the 5 Thoughts.


The question I get a lot is if eating all day helps lose weight. It wasn’t my goal to begin with so I couldn’t tell ya. I usually fluctuate from 110-115 lbs. through the whole month. I’m back to 110 again after it’s all done. But then again, I wasn’t working out during most of the month. MAYBE if I had stuck with my usual workout schedule and eat seven times a day, I could’ve lost weight? We’ll never know.


Not having worked out for almost a month is horrible. First, I couldn’t go to the gym because we only had one car between us for most of the month. I couldn’t exercise once food has touched my stomach so running in the evening wasn’t an option. For a while, though, I was getting the workout from riding my bike to work. So I guess there was a little bit of calorie deficit there. But once I got the car back, I had that stupid cold which left me with a lingering cough, pushing me off my workout wagon completely.  I’m still coughing a little bit. Having said that, the cough does give me some nice abs. LOL Meanwhile, I was still doing my planks, pretty much the only “exercise” that didn’t give me a coughing fit.


My body has gotten used to the gradual grazing, and I’m more in tune with it to know when to nibble without having to look at a clock. I’m eating 5 meals a day now which is more to my pace: Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, and Supper. (I know, no Elevensies. During the weekday, Elevensies are hard!) I still stock up my snack drawers and “mini fridge,” a metal lunchbox that stays in the office fridge, holding all my stuff.  In a way, I think that’s a good, new habit to have.

I can’t justify eating a late night ice cream as “Dinner” any more. Dang it… 😉


Counting calories is the WORST thing we could do to ourselves. Keeping a diary of what you eat is one thing, but actually watch the numbers was maddening. Sure, much like all the women, I have some body security issue. But it was NEVER about the food. I would stand there, looking at myself and feel like…urgh…but I would never, for second, blame the food I just ate. Using MyFitnessPal to track my calories was a huge mistake that I will never make again. The negative number and “If you eat this way, you will weight THIS MUCH next week” bit was demoralizing. I’m sure some Type A personality probably loves to use that as a motivation to eat better and/or exercise more. But that wasn’t me. I don’t want any part of that. Ever again.


My husband is awesome the whole way through, putting up with me running off to blog and eating at all–and sometimes inconvenient–hours. My friends are awesome too! Super supportive of my weird little journey.

And of course, thanks you guys, for coming along for the ride. 🙂 - The Hobbit Diet




  1. Nic   •  

    Interesting! So were you sticking to the 5 meals a day or was just literally just for this month long journey? I can barely make myself eat twice a day – a meal and a snack – let alone considering 5+ meals a day. It’s just daunting!

  2. OakMonster   •  

    Hi Nic! The 5 meals lasted a few weeks after coming off of the Hobbit Diet. It wasn’t quite as hard since I was coming off of a 7 meals a day routine which was much more time consuming, frankly.

    I definitely was a fun challenge though!

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