
I’ve fired up my much neglected Facebook and updated my LinkedIn. Boy, did I gather up a whole bunch of new people!  With Facebook, it’s friends and new activity buddies (like Thrill the World people).  With LinkedIn, some long lost coworkers and recent connections. I personally haven’t used my LinkedIn to full potential, I’m sure.  The Former DemiBoss is a true goddess when it comes to these things.  She’s a real connector in person and that carries into her life in the social media. I used to really hate it when people say, “I’m glad we could connect,” or “Let...
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It’s October!

Two things I love most about October: Halloween and beer. So far it hasn’t been a cold “fall”.  Heck, it was like 78 when I got to work at 7:30 a.m. this morning!  I think I will survive in my Princess Leia gitup after all.  Then again, I still have the Jedi cloak from last year to keep me warm and still in theme. October is building up to be a busy one already.  The Bus Party tomorrow is cancelled in lieu of the debate, so that free up a bit of time.  Hopefully my newsletter will go to print...
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Phototastic Friday: What to come

My most impulsive purchase of the year and my first ever full-made costume purchase finally arrived. Also, probably the most unique wedding present ever bought. I bought the costume set for my friend.  The groom is a Star Wars fan and the bride is a quite a knock-out.  Somehow, they never thought of dressing her in this.  And I thought of it for them. A geeky good friend I am! While at it, I bought me one.  Just in case somebody would invite us to a Halloween party this year, I would have something sexy to wear for a change. ...
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War on Normal

I don’t recall exactly the details of the conversation but I caught the new coworker looking at me funny. “It’s okay. I’m weird, I know,” I told her. “Oh, no, no.  You’re not weird,” she sputtered. “Oh, no.  It’s okay. I’m okay with weird.  I embrace the weird.  You’re not insulting me.” “No.  I didn’t mean you’re weird.  You’re not weird.”  The girl was still trying. “Sweetie. It’s okay. I would be offended if you think I’m normal,” I ensured her.  “Because normal is fucking boring.” I think the cowroker was a little startled at the F bomb, but she’ll...
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Coming up for air

…figuratively and literally. It’s been a crazy week at work that ended with Talk Like A Pirate and bridal shower Friday in the office.  I threw some mean party, y’all! Pirate by day and zombie by night, later on on Friday night, I trekked down to Irvine to practice with Thrill the World OC at Atomic Ballroom.  They have a big group going.  LA Team: We have to catch up! My right shoulder-neck muscles hated me.  So did my thighs.  (Lots of squats and deep knee bends in this dance!) Saturday, off to Brenda and Jon’s reception at Astor Classics. ...
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Phototastic Friday: Pirate Edition

Ahoy me hearties! Me colors be raised this dawn! Updated: Captain Bubbles and the trusty Parrot Pat! Official Talk Like A Pirate instruction from the creator of the holiday, Capt’n Slappy and Ol’ Chumbucket. [youtube=] A favorite and very educational instruction video. [youtube=]...
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