
The Muppets are making an internet come back, y’all! Start from here. [youtube=] I think my face is stuck on a smile now. Springboard from here to the videos from Beaker, Gonzo, and Sam the Eagle. Oh, and the two old dudes Statler and Waldorf have their own channel with video responses to popular YouTube videos. Awesomeness....
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Take me to your leader

Water on Mars!  WATER ON MARS! I am such a geek. Oh, and the alien in my eye also hatched today.  The corner of my eye by my nose is still swollen and red but virtually painless at this point.   Yeah, tear duct infection turned out to be more of the infection of my eyelid by the same alien that used to live in my nose, it seemed. Let me see how many times I have been on antibiotics this year.  There’s the the original nose alien in January, but I actually didn’t go to the doctor for that. ...
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Zut, je suis bon! Frenchy can correct what Google Translate told me to say. Foux du feh! That’s Brandon’s birthday party invite. He’s a rat. This year is his 3rd cycle. Important to me, not much to him, but given the past few months of emotional roller coasters on his part, this boy needs a good party....
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I like Indy

It’s funny to see absolutely zero reactions from the teenagers in front of us in the theater when Indiana Jones said, “I like Ike,” to Irina Spalko’s little speech about him joining the Russian’s quest. I don’t think they got it. Nor did they get the whole Russian bad guys thing. Ah. Life imitates art imitates life. Indiana Jones is dealing with aging and so were the elders in the audience who remember seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time in theater. Or, in my case, being so traumatized by Temple of Doom (The monkey brains! The...
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On love, in sadness

I LOVE Ren Faire. Much fun and debauchery on Saturday. I mean, how can you not have debauchery when Greg M. is involved! We drank even before we left the house…you know where this is going, right? I’ll put up the SLIDE show here later, but in the meantime, check out my Ren Faire flickr set. I had 2.5 cups of mead. Would’ve been three but I didn’t drink the last one fast enough before we had to exit the Faire. Everyone else in our group other than Brandon surely had a LOT more than me. Oh and we went...
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