
A brief chat log with minor editing from my chat with Lauren about the possibility of her moving to New Mexico to live with Brandon’s parents and finish high school there. Oakley: So yeah. Tell me more about going to NM for school thing. Lauren: I guess I’m gonna stay out there and finish high school, or at least try it out because it’ll be good for me. And I’ll be in a small school so more help. They’ve [Brandon’s parents] got it planned out. Oakley: Lauren: LMAO. I’m like scared that I’ll be even more outcasted than I already...
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Revolving Door continues

Joining the ranks of numerous people before me, I quit my job at the PR firm on Friday. The first time I ever quit a job. I usually am an optimist, ever the company’s and life cheerleader. Ask anyone I used to work for and my friends. But this place has turned me into a bitter and angry Oak. I never thought in my life I could brood, and I did. If you or anyone you know is applying for a job listing (probably on Monster) for a PR firm in Long Beach, please do check with me before you...
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Overwhelmed with work, and personal life. These past few weeks have been pure hell. But I see lights at the end of the tunnel. Or so I hope. Have to go Downtown LA to INS office at the crack of dawn to get a sticker on my green card to extend the expiration date. It would be nice if they would tell you what you need to do with your soon-to-expire green card when they send you a receipt to tell you that it’ll take them 333 days to process your filed paperworks. Yep. Found that out a week ago,...
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Snark Spot

Amy mentioned that she’s in a snarky mood today. So I figure, I’ll make a point to leave this spot open for ANYONE who wants to drop by and snark about anything. Snark away, people....
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Noise Control

I’m nice and well alcoholized. So I think I’m just going to muse about the sound of music. It’s a love-hate relationship I have with the apartment complex’s noise curfew. We live right above the jacuzzi in an apartment complex mostly populated by college kids. So we LOVE the noise curfew because it gives us the reason to 1) shut down parties, and 2) kick the kids out of the jacuzzi. The security people have been really good about locking up the jacuzzi at 10 p.m. as well, so we haven’t had as much problems as we used to. And...
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Laugh at the Bald Guy

Shamelessly plugging again. But if you haven’t checked out Christopher’s blog (the C.E. Long one) yet, you should. He’s frelling hilarious, in a deranged sort of way. His comic book, Easy Way, is coming out in April. So I’m helping to spread the word. Not that I have a lot of pull, but hey, one more person having heard of Easy Way is better than nobody. And just to think, this mofo is going to be a father soon. It’s kind of scary....
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