Aloha Friday

We had such a good time at work today! Once again, I ran the company potluck and this time it was the Endless Summer Potluck and Hawaiian Shirt Friday. To my amazement, most of the folks got into the spirit and donned their best Alohas. One coworker brought in his Tiki wood totem for decoration and shared with me his Hawaiian music CD. I ripped the CD and put them on my Sensa MP3 player along with my choice picks of Jack Johnson, “Lime and the Coconut” song, Moby’s “Porcelain”, and Elvis Greatest Hits. It wouldn’t be a Hawaiian event...
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FUBAR Thursday

5:09 p.m. – I arrive at the bus stop. I spot my fellow bus rider, Bus Girl. 5:11 p.m. – Bus Buddy comes out of his building. He waves at me and continues to chat with his coworker. 5:20 p.m. – Bus Buddy comes over to sit with me after his friend got on her bus. It’s past 5:15. The bus is indeed late. But it’s been late like this before. So we continue to chat. The MTA 460 Disneyland, the alternative bus to get us the closest to our area, comes and leaves. Bus Buddy starts to think that...
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*Giggle* Part 2

Continues from *Giggle*. A collection of giggly moments from the past few days. Giggle #2 Eva: Have you heard about the possible rolling black out through LA today? Me: Yeah. Well, maybe I should turn off my radio or something to help a little bit. Eva: How about we just turn off our computers? Giggle #3 Me: Celeste, would you like some almonds? Celeste: No, thank you. I just don’t want the feeling of having something rolling around in my mouth right now. Giggle #4 Celeste, Eva, and I went downstairs to get Starbucks. We came out of the elevator...
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I don’t know if this Volkswagen spot runs outside of Southern California. But there’s a series of a supposedly recorded real conversation between VW German Engineer and a car salesman while test driving some cars. So far we’ve heard something like, “This car is not fast. And it’s making me furious” and “Driving this car I feel like I’m being punished”. But the end of this new one is this: Car, honk if you suck. *Honk* And I giggle. Uncontrollably. Perhaps I truly lost my mind…...
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Speedy Oaks

A few things that never fails to amaze me. 1. Los Angeles freeways at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning. Where did everybody go?? 2. I was going 85 mph and was the slowest car on the road. 3. I could go 85 mph in Merlin, my 1996 Toyota Corolla, and he didn’t disintegrate. 4. “The Alchemist” has one thing right. When your heart desires something the most, the universe conspires to make sure you get there. After having taken an email flogging from my home girls this past week, the universe is moving in my direction. See, Joy and Lily...
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