
Matt the Lost Boy launched his top 100 Thailand blogs ranking. Guess who came in at #21? ETA: Ranking changed daily.  So I’ve dropped like gazillion spots since the launch.  Haha!  Get over there and help me at least stay on the list, okay? I am surprised and honored to actually get to share the edge of the spotlight where the really good blogs about Thailand are featured. My blog is more of a personal rant and rave with some Thai flavors. Well, heck, I’m Thai! What other flavor is this blog going to have? Even my husband says that...
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Joke of the Day

Someone asked if I’ve heard this one yet. “What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?” I replied, “jumping beans?” “No…” the someone laughed. “That’s so wrong.” “Well, what do you call them then?” “Juan on Juan.” Yes.  We both will be keeping our day jobs....
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Beijing, here they go!

The best text message ever. Nicky: “May is going to the Olympics!” My “cousin” May is going to the Olympics! MAY IS GOING TO THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!  Oh my god.  OMFG!  OMFGBBQHOLYCRAPJESUSMARYANDVISHNU!!!!! I am sure the entire family is going with her.  May has been working hard for this.  Hell, the entire team has been working hard for this for YEARS. And Uncle Don, the guy who made it all possible for the U.S. to have a badminton team, he is just THE MAN of the hour. This is just way fuckin’ awesome!!...
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The gatekeepers

Last night at 410 Boyd, my drinking buddy Big Papi talked about life as a minority at an Ivy league university and in the mainly old white dudes law practices. He said that he actually appreciates the fact that other people underestimate him. “They think I’m lazy or stupid or something else. So I work harder. And when it’s my time to shine, those fools won’t even know what hit them,” he said. “The Art of War,” I added. “Damn straight!” He put ’em up and we high-fived. Same thing applies to the administrative professionals. Some people think of them...
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I need a zipper

…for my smart ass mouth. * A coworker walked by saying something something…either “I could eat a horse” or “I just peed like a horse”. Me: Wait. Did you just say a horse or a whore? Him: *laugh* Both. Me: So…you’re a whore horse? Erin: He could be a horse whore. Me: A horse whore? Erin: [Knowingly] …yeah… Me: But being a horse whore, isn’t that kind of… Erin: I’m not going there… Me: …donkey show-ish? Erin: …and you just have to go there, don’t you? When I told this to Brandon later last night. Me: You know, nobody else...
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