The next best thing

Today was just like any other day. I parked my car in the parking lot behind my building. My spot is the closest one to the gate to the apartment, and I usually would be the 2nd or 3rd car in the lot when I get home. I got out, got my stuff out of the back seat, and walked around the car. Athena was sitting in front of the gate. In the parking lot. And no, she wasn’t there when I parked my car. The cat has apparently learned to recognize the jingle jangle of my car keys. The...
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Grab and Go

On my bus last night, one of the ladies asked the other, “Have you been to the Fresh & Easy market?” “Oh my god, YES!” I chirped in. “I LOVE the place!” The lady looked at me, stunned for a second. “Oh, I was going to say the opposite.” Apparently, that might just be the opinion of most Americans of the brand new “neighborhood markets”, a creation of Tesco. The LA Times reported a few days ago claiming that the sales at F&E were 70% off mark. Folks don’t want to change their shopping habits. The lady on the bus...
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Not much else I need

It goes something like this. An eager kitten entangling your feet as you walk across the courtyard…to get her some treats no less. (I’m thinking, “If I trip and hit my head on the pavement and bleed to death, you will NOT get your treat, cat.) El Pollo Loco Caesar Bowl for dinner. Surprisingly filling. No clean up. (I did order a flan but I haven’t eaten it…yet.) A fuzzy robe. (Who needs pants anyway!) A glass of pinot noir. A quiet apartment. A brand new subscription to Napster. Oh dear god. Music I WANT. At my command! It is...
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Oh puh-lease!

My car is now in the shop. I dropped it off last night and no only I didn’t get the rental car as promised, I didn’t get the courtesy shuttle ride either. Nobody told me if I get there after 6 p.m., the rental car place is closed and the shuttle service is over. Oh and they called me this morning, they asked me again if I wanted the fuel injection service. I said no already. Sheesh. Like that is not only enough aggravation, Brandon has gone and done this. ETA: Now that the day’s over…and trust me, part of...
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Kitteh in mah hawz

Meet Athena. AKA the community cat I have been calling “Parker”. I came downstairs to find one of the girls in the rental house holding the cat. Yes, the girls have adopted the cat and named her Athena. Since they couldn’t have her in the house, she has become the outdoor kitty. And yes, we can all feel free to hang with Athena. Y’all, I have a semi-permanent borrow kitten that I get to play with when I come home everyday. It’s a wonderful feeling to have a purring fluffy being who gives you unconditional affection. Well, actually, there is...
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