This is my final original article as the Face of the Race for the Los Alamitos Race on the Base. It’s been fun writing for them! Please give the Race’s blog some traffic and click here to see the original post. Also, I was interviewed pre-race with both the Race on the Base blog AND the Orange County Register. Check them out! After all this time of having shared with you about my journey and struggle with running, I almost didn’t make it to the Race this past Saturday. Tuesday night before the Race, I was clutching the toilet bowl...
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This is my final original article as the Face of the Race before the Los Alamitos Race on the Base! I think I will probably have one more post-race. Please give the Race’s blog some traffic and click here to see the original post. My oldest brother, an avid runner, sent me a blog post last week from the Guardian called “Why We Love to Run”. Just over a week away from the Race on the Base, it is a good day to ask ourselves that question. Why, indeed? The blog post said we love to run because it’s a...
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Another biweekly installment of my update as the Face of the Race for the Los Alamitos Race on the Base. Please give the Race’s blog some traffic and click here to see the original post. This version is a smidgeon different as I found more resources to add. Great news! Your mostly-unemployed favorite blogger has gotten a part-time temp job right here in beautiful Los Alamitos. My morning shift ends at 11:30 a.m. and the office is a little shy of 2 miles away. The moment I was told I got the gig, the first thing I thought was, “Gosh....
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Another biweekly installment of my update as the Face of the Race for the Los Alamitos Race on the Base. Please give the Race’s blog some traffic and click here to see the original post. It’s 75F out there today [Note: That meant last Thursday, FYI.], you guys! You have no idea how excited I am that the weather is coming back to the normal Californian winter after the “Big Freeze” we had this past week. This means I can get back outside to run again. While I saw many runners hitting the road through the cold snap, I retreated indoors...
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Since you all know me so well over here, this installment of my update as the Face of the Race for the Los Alamitos Race on the Base is going to be a little bit different than the version posted over there. Don’t forget to give them some love anyway. Race on the Base will be my first race, ever. For most people, they would focus on getting the right running gear and building endurance to complete the race. For me, the big question was if I would want to run in costume. Um. Duh! I’m sure you’ve seen pictures...
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Another biweekly installment of my update as the Face of the Race for the Los Alamitos Race on the Base. Please give the Race’s blog some traffic and click here to see the original post. A friend of mine (ahem, Amy) posted on Facebook a few days ago, asking if I would be interested in running a 10K with her in August 2013. I haven’t even run my first 5K yet and this half-marathoner is asking me to run the 10K! I LOL’ed. It’s not the physical challenge I am afraid of. I just don’t have the attention span to...
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