Out with the Old

Our new-to-us HD is coming in tomorrow. Our new TV stand will actually get to serve its true purpose.  (And Brandon is loving the new computer armoire.) Since the TV stand is coming in, we had to move the old Ikea black entertainment center out which Brandon and our neighbor Jerry did left it out for alley scavengers.  The much loved TV finds a new home with 4 college girls in the rented house in our complex. Thus our living room has to be rearranged some more.  At this moment it looks like Hurrican Katrina had just came by, so...
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I survived the three days from hell. You know that monthly big meeting I have? Usually, it’s 3-woman team running the show.  Last month, we lost Eva so it was a 2-woman team.  This time, Celeste is off in Amsterdam/Germany, so guess who ran the show…on top of everything that needs to be done for the gala 2 weeks away? Me. I did it. With the help of my colleagues at work.  Everyone pitched in.  Everyone handed in his/her stuff as requested.  People were doubling up duties left and right and at some point I just held the helm and...
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She cooks. She sews. She celebrates!

While Brandon was down at Miramar with Justin and Erik, having a boy’s day out looking at planes at the air show and turning themselves into cooked lobsters, I labored away at my first part of my Halloween costume while watching Top Gear and Dr. Who marathon. Behold, the Jedi robe, made from scratch! Brandon helped me pin the bottom hem. It was curved so I couldn’t quite just measure 8-inch to cut all the way around and have the same length. My poor sun burned husband was at my feet, helping me shorten my robe. But it’s finished, finally....
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Glorious Saturday

First of all. Last night, it rained. Rain makes me happy. It was a good start for today. And then, well, I’m going to jump the chronology here a bit because I’m a happy Trojan. Like the text I sent to Amy the Gridiron Goddess…HOLY Sanchez Batman! Mark Sanchez. Once that boy got going, he GOT going, didn’t he? Yes, another squeaking victory. But consider that the entire offensive line is the back-up players and some of them are even the back-up of the back-up players, plus a brand spanking new QB, we did okay. Thank god, our Defense held...
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World in Technicolor

50 days have passed since my mom passed away. My dad and brothers went to feed the  bedridden monks at Chulalongkorn hospital in my mom’s honor.  She liked to do that.  (Oh yes, and the money you donate to the Thai Red Cross does go there as well.)  And as I mentioned, Aunty Tim, May, Brandon and I went to Wat Pathammachat to pray and to feed the monks, the healthy ones that is. 50 days also marks the point where we can come out of mourning.  I have been wearing black, white and grey clothing since mom passed away. ...
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Recouperation Monday II: Tuesday

Yep. Still home. Still sick. But I do feel better every 2 hours or so. During this course of the slow blooming cold, I have discovered a few miracle cures. 1. Johnson’s Soothing Vapor Bath. It’ll make you NEVER want to come out of that bath tub again until the whole cold thing passes. 2. Iced Tea, lightly sweetened. Lots of it. Especially POM Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea and my big ol’ pot of jasmine green tea saves the day. 3. Homemade Chicken Soup. I have NEVER been so grateful for that big fat vat of chicken soup I made...
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