“Where’s your mom?”

Our meeting with the producers for our Big Gala ran late yesterday and therefore I missed my bus.  I bummed a ride with the Producers, husband and wife team who live a few miles from me, and the Video Guy. Of course, we chat all the way home about this and that and those.  And it came down to where I came from and who all else is back home. “My dad and my brothers are still in Bangkok,” I said.  And then we launched into another conversation. But when I said it, it was a strange thing to say. ...
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TGIF…perhaps not

It’s 6:40 a.m.  It’s still pitch black outside. And yes.  I’m already in the office. What’s wrong with this picture??? Oh well.  11 more days to the Big Gala.  7 of those are working days. I can do this. I. Can. Do. This....
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that other BIG news

You know with the whole region on fire, I didn’t get to point out two biggest news in my universe. The casting is completed for the new reincarnation of Star Trek in the hands of J.J. Abrams.  The Enterprise might as well renamed itself to the Dreamboat already.  Chris Pine, the hunky aristocrat from Princess Diary II, is the new Kirk.  Zachary Quinto aka Syler from Heroes is the new Spock, naturally.  The hotty Rohan horseman of the Lord of the Rings Karl Urban is Dr. McCoy.  And finally, a living proof that sense of humor is hot, cutie pie...
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Hell all around us

Funny how just on Friday, Pat O. and I were watching the helicopter sprinkling seeds over the bald area on the hills behind Griffith Park. And today, that same helicopter is probably out dumping water on the fire somewhere in Southern California. LA has really gone to hell in a fiery hand basket. Malibu’s on fire.  Santa Clarita’s on fire.  Ontario’s on fire.  Lake Arrowhead and San Bernadino’s on fire.  Irvine/Tustin’s on fire.  San Diego’s on fire.  (Olaina is reporting in here, here and here.)  And bits of Santa Barbara is now on fire. LA Times is keeping an up...
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Brand New Sunday

Of course, and update from yesterday’s post.  🙂 The new big screen?  Awesome.  Brandon and Erik are still configuring the thing out with “Transformers” as our guide. The TV may be a cause for future marital spat.  Brandon likes the smushed wide screen and hates the gray box on the side if you go regular TV aspect ratio, and I can’t stand the smushedness and therefore don’t mind the gray box.  It all comes down to who has the control of the remote which is usually me.  Muwahahhaah. The new living room configuration?  It’s going to work out great.  Now...
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