“Make a letter U with your butt is how I can best describe this,” explained Adrienne on how to do that go-go dips to our Burlesque class of 4 tonight at Moondance Studios.
“I don’t move so well at 71,” the lady in the front joked.
“Oh, come on. You’re not that old,” Adrienne encouraged her more.
“I’m serious!”
“Adrienne, my mom is REALLY 71,” The other lady answered. She looked like she’s in her late 40s if not early 50s.
Jaws dropped around the room.
“I’m the 5th child,” the Daughter said. “Out of 6.”
I am so serious, guys. This is not the typical Beverly Hills nipped and tucked and Botoxed 71 year old. This lady is all natural (except for the hair color) and at 71, she doesn’t look at day older than 50. I seriously thought her and her daughter were friends!
That’s alone is the most inspiring thing I got from my Burlesque class tonight. But wait, there’s more!The other lady in class, a doctor probably in her mid 40s, is about to go on a month-long African safari and European tour. By herself.
Finally, our instructor is leaving for a week in London to cheer on her boyfriend who will be swimming the Channel. His firm caught wind of his plan and decided to sponsor him in his life’s goal!
I went for a little dance class for exercise. I walked out feeling sexy from the dancing (like Adrienne said, once you get the move, you feel good, and it comes through in your dance and you feel even better) and thoroughly inspired by the ladies I’ve just spent the hour with.
Worked out my mind and body quite literally!
Ok. I give up. I am 41 years younger than this lady and try as I might, I cant get my butt to make the letter U. Or any other letter for that matter…. my ass must be the wrong shape or something 🙁