Meatless Tuesday: Week 3

Formerly known as “Veggie Tuesday”.  🙂


  • Granola with blueberries from the farmer’s Market with milk
  • English Breakfast tea.



  • Roasted eggplants and red pepper dip from farmer’s market and one pita bread. Well, I didn’t really get to have lunch that day so I ate what I could in a meeting.



  • Trader Joe’s frozen entree of Paneer Masala with spinach basmati rice. Yum-may!
  • A couple of flutes of Fresh & Easy Ogio prosecco with lemon sorbet–a Scroppino without the vodka.


Satisfaction level: Moderate.  The lunch for thoroughly disappointing because I have stuffed grape leaves waiting in the wing.  No time for the worker bees that day.  I was *this* close to say fuck all and get a burger for dinner at that point,  not because I miss meat but because I was starved.  However, the hearty paneer was VERY satisfying as a meat substitute.

Thoughts: A viewing of Food Inc. also motivated us greatly to go out to the farmers’ market on Sunday.  (Will post about that over on the food blog soon. It’s going to be an epic post.)  We stocked up the fridge and the fruit basket to the brim.  This time I had the mind to actually plan my Meatless Tuesday while I’m at the market on Sunday instead of panicking on Monday night because I had nothing veggie to eat.  So, now I have more than enough to last me all week. LOL.

I’m getting a hang of this vegetarian business.  I even wrote a rant to Fresh & Easy about their lack of vegetarian/vegan selection of the grab-and-go meals.

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