A Thanksgiving Ode to Matt

Sure, sure. People give the lip service how how thankful they are around Thanksgiving all the time.

But I, for one, really am thankful this year for my friend Matt.

Without Matt, I wouldn’t be working at this contract, making new friends, learning new skills. I surely wouldn’t have found a work environment I truly feel at home in.

Without Matt, I wouldn’t have the budget to continue to host a Thanksgiving feast for my “orphan” friends as I have done for the past few years.

I would say that I owe Matt my first born for his help, but he already has two kids and I’m not having any. But pretty much, if Matt calls my house at 3 a.m. in need of a babysitter, I’d do it.

I would write a song about Matt like the Cantonians sing of Jayne Cobb. But then I couldn’t quite make it rhymes. “The hero of the Borens, the man they called Matt…?”


Talk about owing somebody a big one. There’s no other person I’d be more than happy to owe it to.

So, Matt. Thank you for being my big brother. Thank you for my job.

And thank you for my turkey.

To be exact, the Guinness-Spiced Cider Brined Turkey…with mashed red potatoes, brussels sprouts and bacon salad, fresh cranberry sauce, and Johnny Appleseed cocktails.  The “orphans” are supplying the rest.

Amy is bringing stuffing and her famous raisin bread. David is bringing some form of green beans his kids will approve. Bob is bringing dessert. And Olaina is bringing Ella to provide the cuteness while Justin is at work.

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!


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