Hell no! We won’t go!

LA Times’ Bill Plaschke reports: “Ninety-seven percent of my collective experience says the news about USC’s negotiations with the Rose Bowl — leaked in the middle of the most contentious week of the college football season — is simply a negotiating ploy. In attempting to gain control of a Coliseum that their football program has kept alive for years, USC officials have grown weary of dealing with a Coliseum Commission that works at the approximate pace of gravy, with missions as varied as stuffing.” I mean, I CANNOT even fathom USC Trojans play anywhere else less the Rose Bowl. I...
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that other BIG news

You know with the whole region on fire, I didn’t get to point out two biggest news in my universe. The casting is completed for the new reincarnation of Star Trek in the hands of J.J. Abrams.  The Enterprise might as well renamed itself to the Dreamboat already.  Chris Pine, the hunky aristocrat from Princess Diary II, is the new Kirk.  Zachary Quinto aka Syler from Heroes is the new Spock, naturally.  The hotty Rohan horseman of the Lord of the Rings Karl Urban is Dr. McCoy.  And finally, a living proof that sense of humor is hot, cutie pie...
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Hell all around us

Funny how just on Friday, Pat O. and I were watching the helicopter sprinkling seeds over the bald area on the hills behind Griffith Park. And today, that same helicopter is probably out dumping water on the fire somewhere in Southern California. LA has really gone to hell in a fiery hand basket. Malibu’s on fire.  Santa Clarita’s on fire.  Ontario’s on fire.  Lake Arrowhead and San Bernadino’s on fire.  Irvine/Tustin’s on fire.  San Diego’s on fire.  (Olaina is reporting in here, here and here.)  And bits of Santa Barbara is now on fire. LA Times is keeping an up...
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The loss of my mother, although hurts like hell (as the whole emotional tsunami crashed in on me yesterday), doesn’t hold a candle up to the 9-11 and post-9-11 loss. So, one day of break from my emo phase to remember lives lost on this tragic day. And many more lives lost as the aftermath of that....
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I heart LA

First. Folks, Reggie the Alligator made his debut at the LA Zoo. A little bit of back story for folks who are not familiar. In 2005, Reggie was dumped into a public lake by, of all people who should know better, 2 ex-LAPD officers because he was too big. Reggie popped up in the lake and scared the bejezzus out of people. All sorts of crocodile experts came by to try to catch him, but he eluded them all even the late Steve Irwin. Eventually, earlier this year, he wandered onto land and that was it. Brandon and I have...
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