Ghetto bird watching

I was going to start keeping count of how many helicopter I see flying by my window each day. I would count a pass i.e. the same helcopter went by twice, I’d count that as 2. But I haven’t really looked up enough to accurately count them lately. And then of course this morning I have to hear the radio news about possible terrorist threats from private planes and helicopters since the smaller airport security is not as good as the larger one. Great. Now I get nervous every time I spot a ghetto bird. Not that being on a...
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Cobra Thief

82 Cobras Stolen From Red Cross Facility in Bangkok These cobras are being milked for their venoms to be used to make snakebite serum to save lives. Some insiders apparently get in there, took the snakes, and sold them out somewhere to be eaten for supposedly medicinal value and makes banks doing it. I pray that karma will have it sooner rather later that this dude is going to get bitten by one of the snakes he stole, and he’d die because there is no serum available. *ucker....
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Not quite entirely fallen off the blog wagon, but damn near. Look at the last post date! The commute hasn’t killed me, if you’re wondering. Like how I’ve been telling everyone. The drive doesn’t hurt me. I like to drive. And what you call “traffic” is nothing like where I grew up in. 3 miles in 3 hours one rainy afternoon would teach you to appreciate 20 mph crawl on the 110 from the 105 into Downtown LA. At least you know you’ll get there in about an hour. After being in front of the computer all day, I didn’t...
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Couple talk

The conversation we had last night as we settled into bed. Brandon: I want to get some gold fish tomorrow. Oakley: Okay. Sure. Brandon: Because I’ve been kind of snacky at night lately. A second of pause. Oakley: Ohhh! You mean, GoldFish as in crackers. Brandon: Yeaah…what did you think I mean? Brandon chuckled, shook his head, and went back to his book as I fell into a fit of laughter....
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Still here

Not much to say lately. I’m trying to focus my energy on writing for the workshop. 🙂 The workshop is going really well. At least I think so. It’s a bit odd being back on campus, hanging out with the kids. Other things to report: 1. We bought the Santa Fe. Money will be super tight around here for a while, but at least we don’t have to worry about the Exploder now. Haha. 2. My nose finally stops going crazy. Just the usual. Even the usual is a little less while I’m in the house. LivingAir purifier is working...
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Messed Up

I left the house with super itchy, sneezy nose. So I took an Alevert. Super itchy, sneezy nose instead turned into a super stuffy nose. So I took a 24-hour Sudafed with 240 mg time releasing pseudoephedrinewhateveritis. Super stuffy nose instead turned into a jabbingly painful, massivly annoying muscle spasm on the right side where my back meets my butt. So I further self medicated with chocolate chip cookie. Achoo! *Sniffle* Ow. Wooooooooooh (suger + Sudafed. A speedy high unlike others!)...
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