*Warning! This entry contains Thai political rant at the very end.* Here we are, another airport, another day. It’s Phuket International now, waiting to head back home to Bangkok from a 3-day of bliss. So far it’s been a whirlwind trip. We landed in Bangkok on Saturday around 11:30. Later that evening, I went to Homecoming at my school, Mater Dei Institute. I met my friends at the gate while I was waiting for Tong. We went in, and all was good. Our class of 1995 had the most attendance and apparently we won an award for that. I’m sure...
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I woke up on my birthday morning to Bond, James Bond. First thing on the agenda this morning, even before getting any food into our systems, Brandon and I headed out to the theater for Quantum of Solace. My car, and everything else, was covered in ashes. Norther sky is but orange brown smoke while it’s bright blue out South, toward the beaches. As we headed up the 605 North, it felt like we were driving INTO the fire. We weren’t close to action, but we just got literally only a sniff of what folks are experiencing out there. The...
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It was a productive day topped with office November birthday celebration. I usually throw such parties but this one was taken off my hand. Pat O. even surprised me with my own birthday cake! The CEO who shares my birthday said that since I throw parties for everyone all year long, it is only fitting that I get my own cake this year. 🙂 A combination of crazy Big Gala work day and sugar high/lows, I needed a decompression session. So our little gang stopped at Suede before heading home. I made the wrong bet and chanced the 110 instead...
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It’s more than photos. It’s everything! First. My costume for the office. Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Yes, I do have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch on my person…just not showing her on the pic. Next. Thanks to Kuri, the scariest music. Ever. I mean, I’m stressed out listening to the first 10 minutes. Have to clense that out with Thriller Krazy. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzOb3UhPmig] Finally, Thrill the World Worldwide video. Yep. 4,176 people around the world plus me were doing this at the same time. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cosOkqGMPxA]...
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