Last year, I participated in the Wise Guys Events first-ever iPodyssey, an Mp3 flash mob event. An offshoot of New York City’s famous Improv Everywhere‘s MP3 experiment.
I’m going to do it again this year!
Many of the folks I know from Thrill the World and GuerilLA Improv were there too. Well, some of us from GLA were already at the rehearsal for the flash mob musical so we just headed down the freeway from there.
It was so much fun! Running around with all these strangers, following only the voices in your ears. Other people were looking on like WTF is going on. It was all kinds of awesome.
Sure, our little group is nothing massive like New York. But hey, LA is representin’, yo!
Oh, and look who’s totally “cheating” at 0:52?
Last year’s musical rehearsal and my running amok with the Wise Guys were some of the awesome things I decided to participate in without a wing man/woman.
Brandon isn’t the type to flash mob and I couldn’t find any other friends to go along. Usually, I would just blow it off and stay at home, but that all changed in 2008 when I went out to learn Thriller on the beach.
Brandon was in Washington D.C. that weekend for work. I found out about Thrill the World’s first practice, but I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me. Instead of letting the opportunity go by like I usually do, I decided to just head on out.
For the longest time, I was missing out on things because I didn’t want to go by myself. And then, that day, I got up and drove to Manhattan Beach to learn to dance Thriller on the sand with complete strangers all by myself.
Duh! I know!
Having grown up alone per se, with my brothers having left home for schools in the UK and US when I was young, I was used to being by myself at home. My mom never let me go out anywhere unaccompanied. Never go alone to anything. It was either with friends, with mom, or our maid would go with me. So, I got used to the company. Once I came to the U.S., I didn’t have many friends. So, if there was no one to go with me to do things, I’d be perfectly happy staying at home. It was the same thing in high school and college, and even in marriage too.
A total nerd, I tell you.
The one fateful trip in 2008 led me to do the first Thrill the World in LA and then to help lead the following year. And the musical. And the iPodyssey. And many other fun things.
I’ve been missing out on living because I was afraid of going in alone.
No more.
iPodyssey 2011, here I come!
[ETA: August 13: Sadly, I actually didn’t make it out to Century City after all. My last weekend of freedom before returning to the workforce, albeit temporary contract, needed to be quiet and low-key.]What was the most spontaneous thing you’ve done–solo or otherwise?
Spontaneous?! Sorry, that’s not on the approved agenda for today…
I’m surprised the beach goers didn’t jump up and start running with the yellow shirts…I haven’t seen “Battle:Los Angeles” yet [still waiting for it to get to NetFlix] but I know you gotta be a step ahead of them aliens. If everyone around you is running for their lives, well, you don’t want to be left behind.
Shopping, dude.