Five for Friday: Vanity Sizing, Caro Emerald, and White Screen of Death

Five for Friday is a weekly series about the five new things I learned each week. It could be anything from a new recipe, new skills, or a new life lesson. Caro Emerald I heard her on XM. Now I can’t get enough. This song, especially, does NOT get old for me. Vanity Sizing Reality Check I haven’t really paid much attention to “vanity sizing“.  Sure, I know that a size M dress at Forever 21 is a tad loose but a pair of size zero petite pants at Ann Taylor Loft will fit like a dream. But I don’t...
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Five for Friday: Retro Hair, Les Miz Surprise, and Hulk Bunny Thump! - Hulk Bunny and Grant Imahara

Five for Friday is a weekly series about the five new things I learned each week. It could be anything from a new recipe, new skills, or a new life lesson. Stan Lee’s Comikaze is actually quite mellow…for now The Hulk Bunny had a great time last Sunday. I ran into a little girl Hulk, and that was awesome.  Lou Ferrigno was there at his own booth and people all rushed up to see him and get a picture. He grinned and pointed at a sign that says it’s $40 to have a photo taken with him.  I understand that...
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Five for Friday: Crush List, Hulk Bunny, and Thunder Sheep - Hulk Bunny Make-up Test

Five for Friday is a weekly series about the five new things I learned each week. It could be anything from a new recipe, new skills, or a new life lesson. Aussies Are Taking Over My Crush List Well, this is not really new. But as I’m re-evaluating my “If any of these guys showed up at our door, I’m gone!” list, I found myself listing mostly Australian actors. (Don’t worry. Brandon has a list of his future celebrity wives as well. Hee.) Brad Pitt, the King of my Heart since I outgrew Tom Cruise in college, is losing his...
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Geronimo! A Space Program - Explore the Universe

Doctor Who may be new to my almost-36 years old life, but even before I know the catch phrase, I’ve always wanted to see the stars. I told Brandon that if we ever won the lottery, I would definitely buy a seat on Virgin Galactic flight. And that got me thinking. Space exploration has always been an inspiration as a science nerd and overall imagination. Oh, the possibilities!  Instead of me fulfilling my own bucket list, what if I can inspire the next generation of young nerds by sending them to the see the stars? So here’s my thought. I...
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Five for Friday: Running, Camping, Drinking, and Chris Hardwick Envying - Run Disney

Five for Friday is a weekly series (and at the rate I’m blogging…pretty much the only posts these days it seems, LOL) about the five new things I learned each week. It could be anything from a new recipe, new skills, or a new life lesson. Fireball Whiskey When I go to USC football games, I hang out at Psychogate, the official tailgate of Roy “USC Psycho” with whom I’ve been friends since college. While Jagermeister has been the alcohol of choice, this week, we were introduced to Fireball Whiskey. I feel like calling this sweet cinnamon awesomeness a whiskey...
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Be a Better Pinner in One Step

Be A Better Pinner: Click it before you repin/like it!

There are several websites out there, in addition to the official Pinterest Etiquette, that will tell you the many steps you need to do to be a good Pinterest citizen. Yes, you should be respectful, be authentic, and report objectionable content. Don’t copy the recipe/instructions/part of the article into the comment. Be clear with your comment. Consider your audience. etc. etc. But the cardinal sin of Pinterest is to pin blindly and not checking for the source of the pin. Hello, my name is Oakley. I have been a bad pinner. When I see something cute/funny/yummy/geeky/awesome on Pinterest, my instinct...
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