10,000 Strong

I posted my 10,000th tweet today.  (And yes, I meant 10,000 when I typed 100,000…) It wasn’t what I expected. Like I said, twitter went bonkers just as I tried to write my composed message. It figures, doesn’t it? So, the original 10,000th post was, instead, 10,001st. (And yes, I meant 10,001ST, not 10,001th…) I know it’s not just me who have forsaken their blogs, the gateway online medium.  As you can tell, I haven’t come by here much any more.  Google Search has proven it. Not that I would dare hope to hold off Gary Vaynerchuk forever for the...
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Mid-30s Crisis

It started with this picture of me with Olivia Munn. I know she’s all professionally made up for the show and she’s already GORGEOUS.  But I looked at myself and thought: Fuck, I look like crap. As I might have blogged about before, I don’t really like make-up.  I don’t like the feel of it. I don’t like the maintenance of it. But at 33…and another look at that picture…I’m rethinking that a little bit. Armed with internet tips for doing make-up for girls with glasses, I adapt an easy new routine.  I’m already using tinted moisturizer, so I’m adding...
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Raised to be kind

OakMonster.com - Kindness

I went online to shop for an item I needed for the kitchen that I couldn’t seem to find in the stores.  [ETA – It was a bacon dripping jar to save the yumminess for later use.]  My friend David was the one who inspired me to get one of these, but he himself does not have one. When I tweeted him that I bought him something, he was quite surprised.  Another friend chimed in asking it was because his birthday was in a couple of months. Nope. I don’t need an occasion to buy a friend something. This notion...
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Universal Alignment

A lot has happened since I got back from Costa Rica.  As I was coming to grip with how to take life a little bit easier, this shit went down in Bangkok. “How Did Thailand Come to This?” indeed.  (And this report is pretty accurate and surprisingly unbiased.) My family home is literally in the war zone.  I mean, they had been since the Red Shirts camped out not 200 meters down the street.  Everyone is safe now, but my dad and brother, my uncle and his family, and our family maid were more or less held hostage by all...
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In Your Face, Jimmy

After the Golden Globes, I was really, REALLY afraid Avatar was going to take the Oscars.  Yes, I like the movie. It was an incredible escape, an experience you wish every movie could provide. But the Globes gave Avatar Best Picture?  What were they smoking?  I mean, it’s a fantastic technological leap forward in movie re-making for Pocahontas/Fern Gully/Dances with Wolves.  That doesn’t deserve Best Picture.  That kind of voting usually we leave for the Academy of the Easily Persuaded. Well, this time, the Academy is also easily persuaded but not by the biggest movie of the year but by...
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Book Burning

I’m no literacy scholar. Nor am I someone who’d go through 100 books a year. So when I say I hate a book, you don’t have to agree with me.  I don’t expect you to. I have a policy when it comes to reading a book.  Once I start, I must finish even if I don’t enjoy it all that much.  You know, the whole finish what you’ve started thing. There have been occasions, however, when I just couldn’t go through with it.  Sometimes it was because it was boring. Sorry, Dickens. The Great Expectation will be read someday…as soon...
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