And the winner is…

…no one and everyone. The holiday decoration gauntlet results in a tie as our CEO casted the final vote: “I have been informed that I am the tie breaking vote on the decoration contest between the west and east sides (don’t forget, there really are no sides, just one big happy family). Because this has been such a difficult decision. I want you to know that I spent a sleepless night deciding. Here is the decision: It’s a tie. East side wins for sheer degree and extent of makeover and impact. West side wins for quality and professionalism of design.....
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7-7 Meme

Owed to Rude Cactus for a few days now. So, here it is. Seven things I hope to do before I die: 1) Write a book 2) Play bar chords on guitar 3) See the Eiffel Tower, Trevi fountain, Stonehenge, and the Pyramids. 4) Actually have money (because right now technically whatever I have, I owe) 5) Establish a charity foundation 6) Take care of my parents for a change 7) Live in a house I own Seven things I cannot do: 1) Float independently in a pool. I sink like a rock no matter what I do unless aided...
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I’m here I’m here!

Been running around all over the place here. Work has been nuts with events and the “friendly competition” of office decoration. I’ll have picture on Flickr album shortly. The holiday party for board members was quite fun last night. Brandon even trekked up to join us and did enjoy himself a little bit. We got to meet our new CEO who will replace our retiring one in January. Can’t wait for the transition! I’m personally swamped with all sorts of things. Girls night out dinner is tonight. Next week I have office party, then finals for my online classes. I...
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It’s good to be a Trojan

Reggie Bush wins the Heisman. Like anybody really though Vince Young was going to win this year. Feh! USC = the undisputable Heisman U! 3 winners in 4 years. 7 total. Reggie. You’re THE man! Whichever team you’re going to play for in the NFL next season, I’ll be watching. 🙂...
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Not another Trojan Blog

Silver Girl pointed me to From the Sideline blog by 2 Trojans. LOVE IT! Check out the signs from ESPN college game day. Can’t say we have no creativity. On other notes, I will be heading home in February to see my mom and to be at my brother’s wedding. Still have yet to write a formal email to the Big Boss but I’m doing either tonight or tomorrow. Also happening tomorrow, we’re decorating our work spaces. You see, the Big Boss’s Assistant and other executive assistants on the othe side of the building have been talking smack on who...
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Operation Jingle All the Way

I’m at it again with putting together a care package for my friend Air Force Amy. Amy has sent a list which include items that her fellow soldiers have also requested, as well as a list of goodies to be given to children in the communities that Amy works with. I hope to get the package in the mail by Friday, December 9 which would put the package to them pretty close to Christmas if not a few days later. Here’s how you kind folks online can help. Item Contribution: If you’re local to Downtown LA/Long Beach, please leave a...
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