Defiantly she says

MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL! We’re cooking for Shane, Serena, and Pops. My aunt and her family will swing by on their way back from dinner at her niece’s house. This will be one of our better Christmas Eve it feels! Tomorrow, Christmas part II. I’ll be cooking for Rhonda and Eric, and Eric. 🙂...
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Bang! Bang!

Figured it’s the day you decided to stay home to recover from a bad cold that the tree trimmers would start chainsawing branches around your building at 7:45 and the roofers would start stomping over your head at 8. No rest for this one. At some point I had to leave the building to go sit out my fever and cough at a coffee joint. And now I returned home to an apartment that smelled like tar and half of the living room and my entire office is covered in sand-like dust. I mean, EVERYWHERE. No fun for the coughing...
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Undiscovered Power of Blog

Recently, Terry Frazier discovered my blog entry about my extreme disatisfaction with Accelerated Learning Group/Greg Parker. A few people have come by to voice their opinion as well and now we have quite a throng of responses. If you google “Accelerated Learning Group” and “Atlanta”, you’ll see my post up there on the first page of results. Now someone else discovered my post about my disatisfaction with WinSave, our past web host, and I have a post telling me to stop blogging. Who knows I can turn my blog into a powerful tool against bad business practices! So there you...
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Peace, Love, and Greed

Nothing shows the American style of Christmas spirit like the Gift Exchange game. Not only people would bring the cheapest gift to the party, but now someone else can take YOUR gift. What the fuck kind of game is this!?! Where I came from, all the gifts are labeled with numbers. Then you pick those numbers out of the hat. You go match your number to the gift and the gift is yours. Simple. Wonderful. Everyone goes home happy. No fighting. No bitterness. Today at my company’s holiday luncheon, it was like a war zone. One lady jotted down everything...
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When a gag gift gone bad?

Your friend since high school finally has a steady boyfriend after many years of dry spell. The boyfriend is also a friend from the same circle which you know quite well. So, for Christmas, you decided on getting them a half-gag, half-real gift. The present for Girl and Boy: gift certificate to Victoria’s Secret. The present for Boy: a disposable camera. You think the Girl and the Boy would laugh their asses off when they open this together. Given, you bought their Christmas present before you knew they were moving in together early next year. Given also, you insist that...
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