Flood gate

So I guess efficient sleep is the cure to writer’s block after all. 🙂 I happily woke up this morning with loads of things to tell you guys. Here goes the possibly longest blog in recent weeks. But here goes! Kicking Carl’s Angus Carl’s Junior is suing Jack in the Box over the “Angus…*giggle*” line of commercials. Here’s one. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIKizLGVtvA] As much as I LOVE Carl’s breakfast burger, I think I just have to boycott them. Take that Junior! Nobody screws with Jack!! Sushi Raucous I went to get sushi at Mamma’s Sushi with Aurora on Thursday night. My original...
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Gallows Humor

Olaina recapped our adventure on Wednesday night very well. “Gallows humor,” she called it. I’m going to let you guys read the full story over there because Olaina is a wonderful writer. But essentially, with what Justin’s and my mom is going through, and us bopping about in the wake, we manage to make the most morbid and horrible things funny. Justin and Olaina started off about a two-fer for hospice care. Then we talked about cremation and Thai funeral rituals. Justin’s mom wants to be cremated and her ashes scattered. This is the part where I just now learned...
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Happy Star Wars Day!

But for the life of me I couldn’t take a picture of my own head this morning with the camera phone. (Beth…now I understand.) ETA: Celeste helped me out. The geeks are lining up down the streets by the Convention Center already. I saw a bunch of Rebel Fighters, one of each of Stormtrooper and Jedi, and one really big Princess Leia. I mean, her costume and hair looked GREAT. But seriously, she looked like she ATE the Princess and stole her dress…well, make that dresses. But that’s the spirit of Star Wars. 🙂...
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Did you feel that?

Around 11:15? A jolt? A 3.8, y’all. In Devore. My couch totally shook. I was watching my TIVO’ed LOST. (Oh and by the way, nice ending.) Did I mention that earthquakes totally unnerves me? Even a little one? So yeah. It’s almost midnight. I had excellent Indian food dinner with Justin and Olaina. And I’m totally unnerved right now. Dammit… ETA 05/24/07 – 8 a.m. : News story confirmed. I wasn’t crazy.  There WAS an earthquake!...
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Month of the Monkeys

Today in China, orangutan fled his cage and went exploring…oh, excuse me, the article said “on rampage”. Last week in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Gorilla escaped and injured 4. And some cheeky bastard already registered the gorilla’s name, Bokito, as a brand. Not a bad month for primates, eh?...
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Marathon Woman

I. Baked. 10. Dozen. Cookies. In. One. Sitting. Since. Around. 7:30. Oh, I also made bacon and rice for dinner while whipping up the batter as well. Talk about multitasking! The last 2 dozen of the almond blueberry are cooling right now. By the time I’m done here, I can wrap that up and go to bed. Oh hell no. I’m not doing dishes tonight! I did rinse everything out though. 🙂 So, the sample batch of Absolutely Weevil cookies (chocolate chips + English toffee) are ready. And I am introducing the more dainty, and at the moment unnamed, almond...
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