College Level Spanking

USC layeth the smacketh down on the protesting students old school style, ending a sit-in in mere hours. How did they do it? #1 – Threaten suspension. #2 – Call the kids’ parents. And here’s a reflection on the resolution of this generation of activists: “We were prepared for arrest, but not suspension,” said Ana Valderrama, a senior in philosophy. It’s getting harder every year to get in to USC and the tuition for one year can almost down pay a house. So hell yes, you’d better get your asses back to class or your parents will not hesitate to...
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Net Reps

I first heard the word today. Net Reps: Internet reputation, that is. A little news video on LA Times website talked about a British guy who was hired because he had a tech blog that hit the right note with the company. The bit continues to discuss how employers search the web to find dirt on the candidates, how you should “better” your net reps by not posting your keg stand pictures etc. I know I wrote about this once before, about how screwed I am with putting my life on the internet. And once again, I’ll say to all...
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A coworker came over with this: “Can you help me open this thing up?” she asked. “It’s out of staples and I don’t know where it opens.” I picked up the thing. And… Um. Yeah. * Then Brandon sent me this picture with the title: “No, we can’t buy one of these for home.”...
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It’s been a quiet and relaxing weekend so far. You know, the 2 days break from the daily grind that feels like a 7 day vacation? One of those. We spent an hour at a client’s house in the morning. It was half work half social call, so that was fun. I ran all sorts of errands in the early afternoon, much enjoyable and productive alone time. The rest of the afternoon was a mixture of doing laundry, taking a nap, watching TV, and reading my Dresden Files book. I cooked dinner to Scrubs Season 1 Disc 2 and we...
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Ode to My Amy

Last night was totally and utterly out of this world fun. Let me demonstrate by showing you the last picture of the evening… It was a fan-fucking-tastic last hoorah I’ve thrown to date. Well, it helps when Celeste got our “Screw you guys! I’m outta here!” Amy this little concoction. Yes, Amy did “walk the plank” and she walked it VERY well. And I’m not even going to tell you if this was taken before or after our little department walked the plank… As much fun and debauchery we had last night, it doesn’t even come close to the amount...
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