
I’m super buzzed. A drive 5 blocks home was before the Captain (Morgan) came to say hi to my brain. And I know someone’s reading to see if I”m going to blog drunk. So there you go! ETA…like 5 minutes later: Holy hell!!! The Captain is totally kicking my ass. Not quite throwing up holy hell, but if I had one more sip of anything I’d totally throw up Holy Hell. Funny thing is, a fellow partier who shall remained nameless just emailed me all fucked up too. LOL. She KNEW I was going to either check my email or...
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Alanis is my hero

I’ve ALWAYS loved Alanis.  This video though makes her a fuckload nearer and dearer to my heart. Now, if they can only get Sheryl Crow to do Hollaback Girl…. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W91sqAs-_-g]...
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Airshow II

I don’t think I’ll EVER learn the lesson. 1. California heat is dry. 2. Just because you’re not sweating bullets, that doesn’t mean you’re not losing water. 3. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. For some reasons, I keep thinking I’m a fucking camel every time. I don’t know why. And yes, once again, after a day baking in the Oxnard sun without much water, yours truly has that dehydration headache + fever thing. Not as bad as before though because this little outting was completely devoid of alcohol…unlike last year’s mead + sun at Renaissance Faire. Fortunately for me, Miller was the...
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Airshow I

Some pictures off of my camera phone from today’s Point Mugu’s airshow. I uploaded while watching the show too. That goes to tell you how dedicated I am to my Moblogging. But nobody’s saw the pictures yet…so I’m a little bummed. Dammit. And I was so vigilant about sending them photos over! 😉 More pictures from our brand spanking new camera will be added to that. And I’ll blog the full story tomorrow. As for now, 12 hours since we left the house, we hath returned. A little bit too much sun, very full bellies, and very very sore feet....
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Stranger and my House

First. The stranger. I parked my car and walked to the bus like I do everyday. A few seconds later, my bus buddy pulled up in the parking lot behind the stop, getting dropped off by his wife. They stayed in the car. A few minutes after that, a guy walked up to the stop. Quite unusual looking for a commuter bus rider, so I thought he may be there for the local bus. He was wearing sweatshirt, sweat pants, a baseball hat and flip flops. In his hand was a plastic bag with a can in it. He lit...
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Mixed Up

After much of the ranting and raving I’ve done, I found myself in a weird place. I am holding on to the anger and frustration. I mean, I’m sure psychologically I’m all fucked up in the head over this and I especially shouldn’t be assigning my blame on anyone. But, I DO blame that surgeon. And I will hold that against him forever. Please just don’t let me know his name. That is when it’s going to be very bad. So yep. I’m bubbling inside there. Like an extended and suppressed PMS. I’m fine and dandy until something sets me...
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