My brain refuses to shut off. I am simultaneously working on plotting the route to the Port of Long Beach boat tour tomorrow, then what to take to the Long Beach Tweet Up potluck tomorrow night. Then planning a baby shower for my coworker next Saturday. Then updating my LinkedIn status and checking in on the long-abandoned MySpace. Then connecting my family with my beloved cousin who hasn’t been back to Thailand from New Zealand in YEARS. And I’m thinking about the Italian lessons I will be taking September and if I should start prepping for that with a dictionary...
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Tuesday marked my first week anniversary for being a metal mouth. And I ated a cheeseburger. Oh yeah, I have a new blog set up for just that at Brace Face Chronicles. Someone questioned if I should need another blog. I would answer with one of these. Because I can just have one concentrated area to bitch and moan all about my inability to eat or the pain the braces hath brought. Because I can share the experience with other adults who are now getting their braces…or like me, getting them again for a second time. * At a recent...
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Oh the new bunch of geek icons have made their ways into my celebrity crush fantasy land. First up. Zach Quinto. Okay I have to admit that originally, I didn’t think there was anything hot about him as Sylar on Heroes. But then as Heroes unfolds, his acting just makes him white hot. Especially those times he was with Elle. I mean, this scene here with her teaching him to use the electricity? HOT! Hotter than when they actually slept together. Seriously. Then again, the evil mastermind sociopath thing also works for me. And then, Zach as the emotionally restrained...
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[youtube=] The show hasn’t even started yet but I have Glee on my brains. Talentless little outcast who just wants to sing. My life story? Yep, pretty much. Also, once a choir geek, always a choir geek. Since I saw the clip a couple of days ago, I have music–just random songs–playing in my head all day and caught myself walking around singing or humming. Not that I’ve been extraordinary happy or anything. I just feel like singing. I mean, I was waiting for the bus today. Looking around the people around me, I imagined myself breaking into a song....
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The sun was taking a dip in the vast teal water. On the white sandy beach, around a bonfire, along the Tiki torches, there was dancing, laughing, and drum beats. Music of Latin flavor; colors of the Caribbean. I was dancing on the sand in a white cotton summer dress. A cool drink in my hands perspiring. Around me, friends of all different colors in even more colorful clothing chatting, eating, clapping, singing. We were celebrating the sunset. I plunked my giddy self down on the sand next to my best friend whose adventure I was privileged to be a...
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I’m bitter. You can ask me why. A disappointment of a major scale has occurred. It was like passing out before giving birth to a baby, missing out on the glorious moment you’ve been waiting for for months. It’s really, really hard to get over. So I’ve been cranky around the office, stressed out around the house, and overall one angry and bitter ray of outward sunshine to everyone. My attempt to release stress at my yoga class was also squelched. It seems I have twisted my left hand on Tuesday. I couldn’t put my weight on it and it...
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