Oh hell yes.2,300 or so on paper but it felt/looked like 6,000 out there in the plaza! Brandon shot over 700 pictures and I had another 200. (What a trooper he is, braving the Blue Line and all!) Worldwide, last counted, 23,000 people. What a moment. What an adventure! You can’t see me in this clip though they did close up on me for the “Coming up next” before this section. Life is slowly getting back to normal. I have to lead my little Long Beach team to perform on Halloween at Halloween on Pine and that’s it for Thriller...
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Yep. This is all I’ve been doing outside of work. And work is a whole other issue. October 24 is Thrill the World at LA Live Watch out world. Here comes the horde!...
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When our beloved excuse themselves to disappear into their video games, we call that being a [insert game name here] Widow. For example, I was an World of Warcraft Widow, an EverQuest widow, and most recently a Fallen Earth and Fall Out Widow. Now, the table is being turned around. I’m making a widower out of Brandon for the next few months. As in, a Italian Class Widower… Nora and I are taking Italian lessons together in Irvine on Saturday mornings, starting this weekend on through January. A USC Football Widower… If you’ve read my blog long enough, you’d know...
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I posted a long time ago about the pain of being a Jane of All Trades. The trades I keep collecting have a collective weight that threaten to crush me. Just take a look at the list. Current Hobbies Playing piano, guitar (need to do more of that) and singing. Cooking. Photography. Photography of stuff I cooked. Blogging. Tweeting. USC Football fanatic. Pop culture fiend. TV junkie. Movie and entertainment news addict. Supporting the troops with being an Operation Paperback volunteer and gathering funds to do my own Operation Jingle All the Way annually. Thrill the World Los Angeles. Developing...
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“My friend is having a green wedding,” an acquaintance said. Everyone present chimed in. How cool! How exciting! Of course, being me, I piped, “Ah! Green wedding. Also known as just another wedding that cost twice as much.” “Well, they’re using all these recycled materials and stuff. You know, being really green about the whole process.” I chuckled. The acquaintance, at this point, was getting annoyed with me. “Well, she’s a very environmentally conscious person. They want their wedding to be good for the environment.” “The bride and groom and two witnesses carpooled to the courthouse and get married by...
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One of those questionnaires people sent around asked, where would you want to live if you can live anywhere. My answer is “out of a suitcase, in hotel room, anywhere in the world.” Some people insist that they sleep in their own bed. I don’t seem to have that much of an attachment. I like to be somewhere else once in a while. A change of scenery during the day is one thing, but to have slept somewhere different is something else altogether. Yeah, I guess you could say I have the Travel Bug. A dormant strain, compared to many,...
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