Catch this dream

What a night. That was probably the most intense, vivid dream I’ve ever had in a very long time. It started with the dream within a dream. I was dreaming that I was having nightmares. I kept waking up into a dream about me sleeping, and not really waking up.  I don’t remember the nightmare inside the dream but it wasn’t pleasant. I finally woke up from that and drifted in to an even more bizarre dream…and quite an awesome movie plot, if I may add. Brandon and I were visiting a historical village somewhere.  A bunch of seemingly inept...
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Phototastic Friday: Halloween Edition

It’s more than photos. It’s everything! First. My costume for the office.  Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  Yes, I do have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch on my person…just not showing her on the pic. Next. Thanks to Kuri, the scariest music. Ever. I mean, I’m stressed out listening to the first 10 minutes.  Have to clense that out with Thriller Krazy. [youtube=] Finally, Thrill the World Worldwide video.  Yep. 4,176 people around the world plus me were doing this at the same time. [youtube=]...
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Who’s Zombie Now?

I am. Usual system crash. Super Zombie Saturday took all out of me. Speaking of which, our official video is up now.  Plus most of the major media coverage listing. [youtube=] That’s all the energy I have to do today.  I’m HORRIBLE for not having been updating stuff on this blog and my other ones. But hey, it’s not easy being a Princess Leia Zombie.  😉 P.S. Blog did an interview with me.  And Anderson Cooper talked about TTWLA.  This whole thing is off the fuckin’ hook!...
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3960 and counting

 As of 15:45 PST, 3960 people around the world danced to Thriller at 11 a.m. PST. That includes 114 of us Thrill the World Los Angeles at Hollywood & Highland this morning. More of Brandon’s fantastic photography here. And the pool is here. Did you see us on ABC 7 at 4:30 p.m.?  Oh yeah.  I got a full shimmying shot into the camera there.  Haha! Also on KTLA 5 for a blip, however I don’t know where that lady got her 10,000 number from. It’s not even in the press release! And here’s the brainchild of Mahdroo and Ines...
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Not much else I need

It goes something like this. An eager kitten entangling your feet as you walk across the courtyard…to get her some treats no less. (I’m thinking, “If I trip and hit my head on the pavement and bleed to death, you will NOT get your treat, cat.) El Pollo Loco Caesar Bowl for dinner. Surprisingly filling. No clean up. (I did order a flan but I haven’t eaten it…yet.) A fuzzy robe. (Who needs pants anyway!) A glass of pinot noir. A quiet apartment. A brand new subscription to Napster. Oh dear god. Music I WANT. At my command! It is...
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