Signs of a good time

1. List of food stuff include carne asada, green chilli marinaded chicken, full taco station, spicy chicken soup, 7-layer dip, freshly made guacamole, buckets and buckets of cookies, ice cream, and strawberry strata I made (which folks thought it was a lasagna until Brandon once again mentioned to them it WAS dessert). 2. List of alcoholic beverages include Newcastle, fancy red wine, Lychee sake, and strong margaritas. 3. List of discussions include “Oakley has a tail“, sexy gay geeks, wine tasting gone street i.e. Greg M. described the white wine that it tastes like “it has a baseball bat and...
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Places I’ve been

The journey of this long weekend took me a lot of places I’ve never been before. Friday was a lot of driving and running around. The adventures at the Thai Consulate somehow resulted in these interesting shots… …and a trip to the Grove. I have never walked into the Grove that far…or during the day. Last and first time I was there, we were out drinking a night and didn’t venture deep into the place. Saturday was also a lot of driving and running around. The tea party in Sierra Madre for coworker Candice was a lot of fun. I...
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Bits and pieces

As I talked to many people about my mom yesterday, one clear theme emerged. I want to track down the original surgeon who waved off chemo because “I got it all” and punch him in the face. One punch. That’s it. And a lot of screaming obscenities. In English. Sorry, Buddha. I know I’m not to embrace violence. But one punch instead of unleashing my martial arts on his ass IS already a practice of self-restraint. Anger is the only thing I have to hold on to right now. Otherwise, I don’t think I could’ve gotten out of bed without...
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Simple joy in a weekend

#1 Man Meat. 300. Complete and total meat fest for ladies and gay men everywhere. Delicious from beginning to end. Even when bloodied, decapitated, or one-eyed. Even the bad guy is hot. I mean, Rodrigo Santoro in metal chains and not much else. Let me here you say, fuck yeah! See? The Spartans are nice and ripped and it looked believable. You know, they’re conditioned that way. It’s not the gigantic beefy juiced up muscles. I can’t stand those. The lean muscles that looks like you didn’t spent hours at the gym but get them from doing whatever it is...
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Much fun. Well alcoholized. One beer. 2 Irish Car Bombs.  And much more of that nice and spiked Bailey’s Irish Cream dip/frosting.  Loads of food to feed more surprise guests than late night talk show! I had 8 guests total and the giant vat of beef stew did not budge. I still have about 4 servings leftover. 1/2 lb. of stew beef per person my ass. 1/4 is fucking plenty. And yes, I am blogging highly buzzed. Nobody wants me to take a picture for my blog so this one will be one of those SUPER fun nights that came...
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Irish for the day

Click here for more pictures from work Any holiday–real or completely made up–that is fun, I’m all over it. St. Patrick’s Day, obviously, is no exception. We had fantastic time at work on St. Patty’s Eve yesterday. We had a good amount of treats going on and the company bought some corned beef sandwiches to be shared. Unfortunately, this is smack dab in the middle of lent so the Catholic population of the office could only longingly stare at the tray of Irish meat. Canadian Greg: Those aren’t really meat. I mean, they’re the rare Gnome Corned Beef Fish of...
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