
I was quite an interesting experiment last night. If  you’ve been following my tweet (as you should…@oakmonster), you would know that my office experienced an internet outtage yesterday afternoon. I found myself texting in my tweets about the outage. When I got home though, I decided to unplug altogether. I went to grab dinner with Brandon without my phone, and when I got back, I didn’t turn the computer back on at all. Then again, I was busy. I baked another one of Nigella’s Guinness Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting per Brandon’s coworkers’ request.  In between that, I sat...
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Sweet Shirts of Mine

It’s a fashion fate, really. Friday morning, I found myself at a loss as to what t-shirt to wear to work on casual Friday. And I have LOTS of t-shirts. However, some of them starting to get old, as in boring. Having been introduced to Threadless a while back by Rude Cactus (also @rudecactus), I popped in just in time for their spring sale and got a couple of shirts for $5 and $10. Cute, eh? Then yesterday, I checked the mail and the t-shirt I’ve won from a contest put on by LA2Day Magazine a while ago arrived.  It’s...
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The Weary’s Quick Rest

St. Patty’s was a hit both at work and at home.  A great turn out at the office with everything from cookies to green deviled eggs.  9 people showed up at my doors for the Guinness Stew and a little bit of drinking.  The old gang hung out well with my new friends from Tweet Up, Annette @dananner and Wyatt @phraktyl. A lesson we learned?  Don’t ever give Phraklet, Phraktyl’s son, a Mountain Dew. Ever. Again.  LOL. I didn’t drink all that much at St. Patty’s.  Just an Irish Car Bomb I did with Annette and Wyatt and a couple...
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Phototastic Friday: Licensed to kill

This is my [air] rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My [air] rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my [air] rifle is useless. Without my [air] rifle I am useless [in case of the apocalypse or war against zombies]. I must fire my [air] rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me.  I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my [air] rifle and myself...
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After 16 years of going home to my family dentist every year, someone else got to look at these pearly…well…ivories.  (Whitening these puppies? Not a chance!  Not my natural coloring.) After 16 years of being in the U.S., my teeth finally have been touched by American dentists. That’s right. Dentists. Plural.  Three of them. All in one day too. Originally, I was supposed to go to the orthodontist consultation appointment then go to work. But then I had this mild sore throat and been tired all over since yesterday, so I decided to just stay home after the appointment.  As...
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