I’m not at work today. TGIF However, this is today’s schedule. 8:45 Physical 10:30 Eye exam 12:00 Hair cut 2:00 Dentist 4:00 Meeting a friend Later in the evening, pub crawl with LBC Tweet Up crew. I’m nuts? Yeah, I think so....
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Animal Planet

#1 first day in COW SCHOOL Found on Flickr by Wild*Dreams. We were watching a National Geographic documentary Stone Henge Decoded. There was a scene when the archeology team starts to dig around the outside of the Durrington Walls.   There was a shot of all these cows gathered by the fence, seemingly to gawk at the humans.  Kind of like this. “How cute!”  Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. “Look at all them lookymoos!” *** #2 Southern California finally returns to its natural state of sunny and warm this weekend. “I’m sooo glad we can be out and about...
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I’m taking it as a sign that I should just go ahead and change the entire look of my website. The first time I tried to fix a minor thing a couple of weeks ago, air guitaring at the keyboard caused some issues and I had to start over. This time, my ambition to upgrade my WordPress fueled the fire. Then because I could install it finally on, I thought I surely can do it here. So I archived the blog’s database. But didn’t save the CSS template. And here we are again. So, I’m going to spend the...
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This too shall stick

If I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head since I’ve seen it on The Graham Norton Show Christmas Special, you shouldn’t be able to either. Here. Have yourself some Tim Minchin. [youtube=] ETA: Brandon sent this to me from after my attempts to get the song above out of my head all day yesterday.  True dat!...
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Alive and well

The Big Gala went off without a hitch.  Actually, went off a LOT better than we thought. However, now is the aftermath plus office Christmas prep PLUS packing. \ Next time you’ll hear from me either will be from Taipei or Bangkok…or Phuket. Paradise awaits.  Can hardly wait!!!...
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Thank you Santa Monica

Dear The Good Citizens of Santa Monica: Not only your Virginia Park has the best and cleanest restrooms in all the parks I’ve ever visited, your people are the most honest, kindest of the bunch. Thank you, Nice Person, for returning my wallet to the police sub-station.  With all the stuff I put in my purse today for the Thrill the World LA meeting, I barely noticed that my wallet had fallen out as I pulled out my phone when I exit the car. Thank you Officer Reyes for calling me right away, and not scolding me for being that...
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