
Oh yeah. Friday was a HELL of a day. It actually started Thursday night. Thursday night We had dinner and sampled ridiculous variety of beer with Paul and Lupe at Beachwood Barbecue. I finally had my Mac and Cheese, the BEST I’ve had and lord knows  how many sips of whats I had.  Nice and buzzed, I got home to a monstrous task of trying to watch most DVR’ed shows as I can before we get the box replaced on Friday.  And what a week to have the DVR taken away too!  Since I haven’t been home all week, Brandon...
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I’m not at work today. TGIF However, this is today’s schedule. 8:45 Physical 10:30 Eye exam 12:00 Hair cut 2:00 Dentist 4:00 Meeting a friend Later in the evening, pub crawl with LBC Tweet Up crew. I’m nuts? Yeah, I think so....
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Social, Media and otherwise

Hi there. I haven’t been home in the evening since Monday. And the trend is not stopping.  Sorry for the pauses in posting. Monday night I was at Face2Face: Elton John and Billy Joel concert.  I treated James, my fellow piano man, to this as his belated birthday and early Christmas presents.  We enjoyed ourselves tremendously.  Billy Joel rocked my socks off and Elton John wowed me silly.  I got a few horrible cell phone video clips I’ll post later. Yesterday, our former colleague Erin returned to the office to temp for a week while she’s on break from school. ...
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Animal Planet

#1 first day in COW SCHOOL Found on Flickr by Wild*Dreams. We were watching a National Geographic documentary Stone Henge Decoded. There was a scene when the archeology team starts to dig around the outside of the Durrington Walls.   There was a shot of all these cows gathered by the fence, seemingly to gawk at the humans.  Kind of like this. “How cute!”  Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. “Look at all them lookymoos!” *** #2 Southern California finally returns to its natural state of sunny and warm this weekend. “I’m sooo glad we can be out and about...
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I was quite an interesting experiment last night. If  you’ve been following my tweet (as you should…@oakmonster), you would know that my office experienced an internet outtage yesterday afternoon. I found myself texting in my tweets about the outage. When I got home though, I decided to unplug altogether. I went to grab dinner with Brandon without my phone, and when I got back, I didn’t turn the computer back on at all. Then again, I was busy. I baked another one of Nigella’s Guinness Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting per Brandon’s coworkers’ request.  In between that, I sat...
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Sweet Shirts of Mine

It’s a fashion fate, really. Friday morning, I found myself at a loss as to what t-shirt to wear to work on casual Friday. And I have LOTS of t-shirts. However, some of them starting to get old, as in boring. Having been introduced to Threadless a while back by Rude Cactus (also @rudecactus), I popped in just in time for their spring sale and got a couple of shirts for $5 and $10. Cute, eh? Then yesterday, I checked the mail and the t-shirt I’ve won from a contest put on by LA2Day Magazine a while ago arrived.  It’s...
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