I had a pig named Mike. Or did I?

Piglet by Christine Eaves on Flickr. I had a dream last night that Brandon and I bought a condo at a place where it turned out to be more of a spring break co-ed dorm than a quiet grown-up residence. Despite the commotion, I took my pet piglet named Mike for a walk. Yes. A pet piglet. Named Mike. When I came back from a trek through the pool party going on in the middle of the complex, something horrible happened in the condo. I don’t want to talk about it. It was bad enough for me to wake up...
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My car dependent life

Say hello to Robin Hood, my 2011 Hyundai Sonata. My first new car since 1996. My first car ever was a 1995 Acura Integra coupe. Dark green. Leather interior. 6 CD changer. All decked out. My brother Onk who was living in Oklahoma at the time bought it for me per my dad’s order and had it shipped over to me. Since he got to drive that car for a while before shipping over, he decided to get *me* a flashy, sporty car. Obviously, he ignored my plea to please buy something sensible since I was living in the dorm...
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So much for the goals…

First week of 2011 and the goals have gone mostly untouched. Alas. The first cold of 2011. The game changer. I made New Year’s Eve dinner of 40 clove garlic chicken to feed James and Aurora and her sister Lee.  I took pictures of everything as it would be my first post for the recipe blog for 2011 according to Goal #5.  We sipped some wine and hung out until 11:30 before Brandon and I shambled home before the drunks got back out on the road.  We kissed at midnight and promptly crawled into bed.  So, no. I wasn’t out...
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10 Goals for 2011

Before we move forward, let’s see how I did with 2010 goals, shall we? Goals for 2010: 6 out of 10 1. SUCCESS: Lacto-vegetarian Tuesdays. I totally rocked that. Sure, there were some accidental lapses and a few intentional ones, curiously some of those cases involved bacon.  But more or less, I did REALLY good. And I even threw in no alcohol to that mix. So yay me! 2. FAIL: One hour of piano/guitar/singing, twice a month. Another victim of my television habit. 3. SUCCESS: Keep up with Italian. Still going strong despite feeling like the village idiot in class....
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Whoop. There went 2010

It has been a crazy year.  You can tell by the infrequency of my posts.  Despite the fact that I have given up my involvement with Thrill the World almost completely (I still do twitter for TTW headquarter), I managed to remain as busy as ever. I mean, look at how neglected this blog is!!! Let’s take a look back this year, see what all I did, and give out some 2010 awards, shall we? 2010 in Pictures: Drinking Buddy of the Year: Bus Buddy Amanda We’ve been riding the bus together for a few years and carpooled together numerous...
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Mid-30s Crisis

It started with this picture of me with Olivia Munn. I know she’s all professionally made up for the show and she’s already GORGEOUS.  But I looked at myself and thought: Fuck, I look like crap. As I might have blogged about before, I don’t really like make-up.  I don’t like the feel of it. I don’t like the maintenance of it. But at 33…and another look at that picture…I’m rethinking that a little bit. Armed with internet tips for doing make-up for girls with glasses, I adapt an easy new routine.  I’m already using tinted moisturizer, so I’m adding...
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