Table for 2 and that’s just fine

We’re child-free by choice. We don’t hate kids.  And we make great auntie and uncle.  We just like to play with them and hand them off to the parents at the end of the day. We adore Brandon’s two nieces age 8 and 11.  We can hardly wait to hang out with Aurora and James’ 2-year-old Dresden and baby Chloe.  Olaina and Justin’s Ella is still too little to play with but we didn’t mind hanging out with her too. I’m quite sure the fact that they are relations–or practically relations, our tolerance and patience for them are a lot...
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Raised to be kind - Kindness

I went online to shop for an item I needed for the kitchen that I couldn’t seem to find in the stores.  [ETA – It was a bacon dripping jar to save the yumminess for later use.]  My friend David was the one who inspired me to get one of these, but he himself does not have one. When I tweeted him that I bought him something, he was quite surprised.  Another friend chimed in asking it was because his birthday was in a couple of months. Nope. I don’t need an occasion to buy a friend something. This notion...
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Oh Humanity

When disaster strikes somewhere in the world, if the media and celebrity is on board especially, suddenly you see the surge of donations and fundraisers everywhere. But what about the everyday?  Where did that overflowing of generosity and kindness go? Last week, my bus buddy was sitting with a bunch of other commuters waiting for the bus.  There was no room to sit so I was standing around the corner.  Once these folks got up to get on their bus, I moved in to sit down. There was a purse laying next to my bus buddy and I knew for...
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Universal Alignment

A lot has happened since I got back from Costa Rica.  As I was coming to grip with how to take life a little bit easier, this shit went down in Bangkok. “How Did Thailand Come to This?” indeed.  (And this report is pretty accurate and surprisingly unbiased.) My family home is literally in the war zone.  I mean, they had been since the Red Shirts camped out not 200 meters down the street.  Everyone is safe now, but my dad and brother, my uncle and his family, and our family maid were more or less held hostage by all...
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You’ve gotta have friends

This Easter weekend brought out friends old and new. Saturday I spent the morning with my hubby cruising down to San Pedro for a feast that is breakfast at Gaffey Street Diner.  The rest of the day I spent baking, mostly. That night, the hubby set me loose to party with my Twitter crew. We threw an early birthday party for @always_blond at @fstop23’s place.  The ever gracious host didn’t call off the party when he heard that his daughter-in-law had gone into labor earlier in the day.  However, we had contingency plan as to where the key is and...
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Meatless Tuesday: Week 11 (And other things)

Guys, at this rate, going meatless is becoming a normal part of my routine.  Very comfortable with it now. Then again, it’s easy to do when you have a restaurant downstairs selling awesome vegetarian/vegan sandwiches at lunch time. 🙂 Breakfast: The usual coffee treat from Starbucks Fage yogurt with peach puree. Yum!! . Lunch: Half of the French Onion Soup Melt sandwich from Mendocino Farms.  Grilled onion on melty aged gruyere on pretzel roll. Organic tropical iced tea A nice dose of sunshine Afternoon snack: crackers and a big spoonful of whipped cream cheese. . Dinner: Trader Joe’s frozen entree...
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