Strange Bed Fellow

One of those questionnaires people sent around asked, where would you want to live if you can live anywhere. My answer is “out of a suitcase, in hotel room, anywhere in the world.” Some people insist that they sleep in their own bed.  I don’t seem to have that much of an attachment. I like to be somewhere else once in a while.  A change of scenery during the day is one thing, but to have slept somewhere different is something else altogether. Yeah, I guess you could say I have the Travel Bug.  A dormant strain, compared to many,...
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Cook Bake Geek

It’s been a crazy weekend.  But super fun. AND productive. First of all, Brandon has FINALLY came out of the severe sinus infection that he had.  And with abundant energey fueled by cabin fever, he ran errands all over town for me on Friday. Because, you see, on Saturday, I threw a casual baby shower for a coworker and his girlfriend at my friend Amy’s house.  I made these surprisingly gorgeous and delicious pasta carbonara tartlets and fruity modification of the Italian Scroppino (lemon sorbet + prosecco + splash of vodka). After all of that, I came running home to...
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In Sickness

Brandon has been sick all weekend. And probably will be off his feet for a few more days. He has been trying to cut down on his sodas. So it was hard to figure out last week if his headache was a withdrawal headache, a migraine (which he does get occasionally), or a sinus pressure headache. By Friday it was apparent that it was his sinus. Imagine quarter your head from middle of the top of your head down to your cheekbones and out your face. That’s the area that hurts him and more so when he leans forward or...
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Manic Friday

My brain refuses to shut off. I am simultaneously working on plotting the route to the Port of Long Beach boat tour tomorrow, then what to take to the Long Beach Tweet Up potluck tomorrow night. Then planning a baby shower for my coworker next Saturday. Then updating my LinkedIn status and checking in on the long-abandoned MySpace. Then connecting my family with my beloved cousin who hasn’t been back to Thailand from New Zealand in YEARS. And I’m thinking about the Italian lessons I will be taking September and if I should start prepping for that with a dictionary...
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Everyday should be Memorial Day

As long as there are military men and women out there fighting for our freedom in a war or just doing their jobs somewhere peaceful, everyday should be Memorial Day. As LA Times reports, with the current war, it is such at Camp Pendleton. And just to shine another light on Memorial Day, we should all be thanking and remembering the FAMILIES of those out there VOLUNTEERING to fight for all of us. The wives and husbands holding down the fort while they are gone, not knowing if they would be coming back. The mothers and fathers watching their children...
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